This was an assignment project for the module Introduction to AI in my first year, second semester. Although it wasn't required to code, but in comparison to tdious drag & drop, I preferred programming and so was another groupmate of mine, which eventually resulted in us building this chatbot in Python. As for my part, I coded the app with PyQt5 as I had some good experience with Qt in C++, and I built a simple neural network with tensorflow using bags of words method as the model. Meanwhile, my friend was responsible in doing the text processing with nltk. There were two other friends who did the data collection part and together we all made this app for this module.
Pomodoro Focus
This was my final project for CS50 course that I took online. It features a fully functional pomodoro app that allows user to block other apps during focus period, and provides a pomodoro timer that is adjustable. It also tracks user's usage so that it can provide usage graph.
Desktop application
Pomodoro Timer
Yet another pomodoro app that I built using C++ and QT framework. It's a pomodoro timer application that also has a notification feature to indicate the start and end of a pomodoro session. The main reason I built this app is for my personal usage to keep my eyes healthy.
This was a university assignment system prototype for a healthcare system. This website was rather coarse but regardless, it shows the functions of each page fully.
One Pacific Health Club
This was a university assignment system prototype for a health club management system. I used only html and css for this project and mainly depends on bootstrap. Though not functional, the functions of all pages are shown clearly.
CS Diary
This blog is also built using HTML, CSS and some Javascript with the help of Jekyll!